Why Do I Need To Interview Job Applicants?

Why Do I Need To Interview Job Applicants?

Even with hiring online workers, it’s important to still conduct interviews as part of your recruitment process.

When employing additional workers for remote teams, sometimes companies will settle for reviewing resumes and providing assessments. HR officers will rely on communication via email or even through instant messaging to figure out who among the candidates will be chosen for the position. Face-to-face conversations may not even occur at all.

However, the interview process is such an integral part of the recruitment process, even if you’re thinking of engaging online workers. With the current technology available at our fingertips, physically seeing and hearing your candidate, albeit through a computer screen, is possible despite being miles apart.

Interviewing for a job lets you find out things that are not written in the resume, or found in the results of any examination you provide. Personal interviews can be the deciding point of whether or not you’re truly hiring the right person for the position.

See willingness to commit

Most of the time, you can get a glimpse of a candidate’s attitude even before the interview begins. In the case of online workers, if the applicant is online and ready ahead of the scheduled call, and dressed presentably despite working from home, then those are pretty good signs. You can also check whether they have a home office that’s conducive for working, or if their internet connection is stable enough for work.

These are things that the resume won’t be able to tell you, and you’ll be able to find out if you set up interviews.

For cultural fit

Interviewing an applicant allows you to see a glimpse of their attitude and behavior, and will help you determine whether or not they’re a fit in your company. Hiring for culture fit is often overlooked, but is actually such an important factor in the selection process. You see certain social and behavioral cues as they answer and explain that give you an idea

So, make sure that you have a firm grasp on your own company culture and identity, so you know what personality types can work well with your team. Ask questions that are tailored for culture fit, and you may find the person who can stay long-term.

Test analytical skills

When you interview a candidate, you’ll get to witness their critical thinking skills too as no one really knows the exact questions that can come up. They get to showcase how they think on the spot, analyze the question or situation at hand and come up with solutions. While this can be tested through assessments, it’s still different when you see it happen in person.

If someone’s process can work with the way that you do things, or the systems that are already in place in your business, then they could be the best to fill in your vacancy.

Set expectations

While it’s your duty to make sure that your job description is as detailed as possible, it’s also useful to explain what the role entails verbally. The interview is also an opportunity for you to clarify certain things that may have been missed or not written well in the post too.

This can be the best time for you to see whether the candidate’s expectations match what you and the company are willing to offer.

There is value in interviewing potential team members even if they’re remote or online workers. Interviews may hold the key to figuring out who among the candidates will fit the position you’re looking to fill.

We highly encourage using tools that allow for video conferencing, rather than just a simple audio call. While nerve-wracking, doing so can make the process of selection and weeding out applicants just a little bit easier.

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