5 Culture Shocks of Working With Filipinos

5 Culture Shocks of Working With Filipinos

You might be a little surprised at how different Filipino online workers are from Australian or Western counterparts.

The Filipino culture is something that is usually seen as strange, especially to those who are from the other side of the world. Companies who have Filipino online workers can attest to how different and unique their ways are.

Understanding these, and other seemingly different ‘quirks’ about Filipinos, will help in creating a more efficient working environment.  A better working relationship with your team will greatly contribute to your business’ success in the long run as well.

Here are 5 common parts of the Filipino culture that may come as a shock to you, especially if it’s your first time to have a Filipino on your team. 

Pre-meetings before meetings

Because Filipinos are friendly and love to mingle, you will typically have short catch-up chats before a business meeting begins. When this happens, don’t you worry because once the meeting officially starts, it’s all business for your Filipino online worker. Engage with these casual conversations so you get to know your colleagues better. 

They’re hardworking

Most, if not all, Filipinos you will encounter are very family-centered and providing for their family is one of their biggest drivers to work. They’re willing to go above and beyond just to fulfill their responsibilities, and this goes true within the workplace as well. Be sure to not only recognize their efforts, but to pay them what they’re due.

But they don’t usually do overtime

Don’t think that just because Filipinos work hard that they are willing to sacrifice personal time for the sake of work. Because family comes first, don’t be surprised if they won’t always do overtime work, or they refuse to work on the weekends. They’d still want to make time for their family and loved ones, so don’t take offense if they don’t want to pitch in the extra hours. Filipinos would make up for it by working efficiently during the day.

They love getting feedback

You will notice that Filipinos end their emails and conversations by asking for comments or suggestions about their output and performance so far. Don’t be surprised, as they always aim to please you and improve. They’re very receptive to feedback, so be generous with both the good and bad.

They will treat you like family too

If treated right, Filipinos can be the most loyal and loving workers. If your online worker is happy in your company, and the way you manage them, and they feel that they can trust you, then you become part of their extended family. You get to experience more than just the warm hospitality that they’re well-known for.

Being aware of these cultural differences will definitely save you from any misunderstandings in the future and can help build stronger relationships in your team. What other Filipino culture shocks have you experienced so far? 

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