Setting Up Your Home Office: Getting Creative

Setting Up Your Home Office: Getting Creative

You can build a home office that is conducive for working, without scrimping on your personality and style.

So, you’ve got the basics of a home office prepared, installed and ready for use. Unless you want it to look plain, or even like a typical office cubicle, then it’s time to get your creative juices flowing.

Since you are at home, you will have the freedom to choose how you want your space to look like, and how your personality can shine through it. But, before you get too excited, keep in mind that there are a few factors that you should be considering.

Remember, it is still first and foremost a work space. So, even if you want the office to be stylish and comfortable, it has to be one that is conducive to doing some hustling and serious work.

Check your location

Before choosing specific style elements, picking where you’ll be placing your home office is of utmost priority. Consider the size of the area, which is dependent on how much space your equipment needs. Think of privacy as well, especially if you’re only productive when you’re in a more isolated, quiet space that’s far from where the action happens at home. Some prime suggestions would be the attic, the indoor patio or an extra bedroom that no one is using.  

If you’re located in a tropical country, then you may want to consider setting up your office where there is enough air passing through. This can help make the room less stuffy, allowing you to breathe more easily. Keeping your comfort in mind, you may want to invest in a good AC unit that can cool you down on hot days.

Additionally, pick a spot where natural lighting can come through. It not only makes your space more conducive to work in, but it can help you save on your electricity bills. Install energy-efficient bulbs or purchase a lamp that can mimic how natural lighting looks like.

Let’s talk about the design

Here comes the fun part. This is where you can get to show your personality by adding your favorite piece of furniture or putting up that art piece you bought at the local fair.

But even design has science behind it. If you overstyle your home office, it can become a place of distraction, defeating its primary purpose.

Here are some design tips to consider as you start decorating:

  • Color - According to research, colors affect a person’s mood in a number of ways. A color that will enhance your productivity, confidence, and creativity should be what’s on your wall and/or furniture. Although you can choose any color to your liking, green is the go-to palette for its effect in efficiency, creativity and comfort.
  • Furniture - Pieces of furniture such as desks, chairs, cabinets and organizers are very important to any home office. When choosing, pick the ones that don’t only speak of your personality but provide comfort (for chairs), functionality and durability (cabinets and desks). In addition, choose the ones that either match and complement each other.
  • Art and Decor - While these items can add a touch of professionalism, they can also be used to evoke an air of professionalism. You can add in paintings, figurines and little keepsakes, or even plants for a more “green” feel.
  • Arrangement - Arrangement helps make your space more organized without sacrificing its aesthetics. Make sure that there is enough space for you to move freely and you can have easy access to your file cabinet or table, for instance. It also helps to position some equipment away from windows, as high temperatures can destroy your devices.

You can also consult various design websites like Pinterest or apps that can help you decorate your home space. If money is not an issue, a freelance interior designer can give you ideas as well.

Home offices need not be fancy or look like they’re straight out of a magazine. What’s important is that there should be a balance between productivity and aesthetics, without sacrificing comfort.

You can create that dream home office space where you can get things done, will adding your own personal style and touch.

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