6 Common Outsourcing Myths Debunked

6 Common Outsourcing Myths Debunked

Not every negative thing associated with outsourcing is necessarily true.

Outsourcing. Seems like a big, scary word isn’t it? While it’s been a pretty popular industry term in the past few years, and many companies have begun diving into this revolutionary way of employment, many are still afraid. Or they have absolutely no clue what ‘outsourcing’ or engaging in online workers is all about.

I’ve seen that especially here in Australia, with business owners that I’ve spoken to personally or events I’ve given talks at. I’m often met with many questions and concerns, mostly surrounding its legitimacy, safety, and if what i’m supporting actually works.

And I understand this fear, confusion and hesitation from my industry peers. It doesn’t help that there are numerous horror stories circulating in business circles, serving as warnings to be careful when dealing with overseas employment.

I even used to be like that before we put up AwayTeam! I used to be reluctant and scared, and I believe it’s primarily because I didn’t know what outsourcing was all about.

And now that I’m a complete advocate of online workers, and I am continuing to learn about it, here are the most common myths and preconceived notions about online workers and why in my experience, they are simply not true.


Before I debunk this myth, let me tell you that exploitation is happening in online work, just like in other industries. There are companies who offer incredibly low wages on some job site platforms, with one recommending that $450 a month is already enough for a Filipino VA to live comfortably. And it’s not only companies, but individual clients to this day approach freelancers and online workers for big projects, and expect them to accept scraps as pay.

So yes, exploitation is real. However, this is not always the case. There are still clients and companies that are considerate and pay their online workers right.

Do your research first and talk to people who have successfully engaged with online workers and have long-term relationships with them. Look into recruitment companies, and see whether or not they provide contracts and legal employment.

Substandard work

Another myth that discourages a lot of companies to hire offshore talent is that overseas online workers, supposedly produce substandard work compared to that from an Australian. AwayTeam is the best example

The majority of AwayTeam staff is comprised of Filipinos. Our website, blog, Facebook, Twitter Instagram pages were created, produced, designed and written by Filipinos. Additionally, our clients can attest to the quality of work they are enjoying through AwayTeam workers.

Terrible English

Here’s a bit of trivia for you. All the things you read on our website, blog and even our social media accounts? Online Filipino workers are in charge of the content that AwayTeam produces. This blog is managed and written by Filipino writers.

When you send a message on our social media pages, if not me, then you will most likely be speaking to a Filipino online worker. My team is able to have productive client calls and conferences in my absence.  

So despite the fact that English is not the official language of the Philippines, I have found that many Filipinos have better English than I do! And although European nations feature prominently at the top of the English Proficiency Index, Asia has a higher overall average proficiency. The Philippines ranked 3rd with 60.33 ratings.

Negative effects on the Australian economy

This is a common myth and I have had many in-person and online discussions with fellow Australians about it. Many believe that hiring online works will create a huge dent in the local economy. This supposedly produces a “snowball” effect of robbing Australians of jobs, therefore less money circulating the country, which then leads to a higher unemployment rate.

Let me ask you this, how many local workers are you employing right now? The reality is, there are still many companies who cannot afford to employ local administrative staff. Small business owners and entrepreneurs who are just starting out may not have enough resources and capital to do so. Continuing to hire locally without any financial forecast can be detrimental to a business.

An online worker can help you pump up more profit in your business and help it grow, which means you can have more money to spend for you and your family, and still reinvesting in the Australian economy. Outsourcing supports the Australian economy through the creation of new businesses. It’s a win-win situation.

Takes away jobs from Australians

As businesses grow, an increase in output and productivity would show. This therefore creates a need to employ more people, especially local ones to do new jobs that can’t be outsourced. There will be more avenues for employment, more opportunities for Australians to get work.

Offshored workers are good investments that will enrich and empower your business to do more, and that includes the opportunity to provide employment to local Australians. According to research, hiring one outsourced staff can mean employing 2 to 3 local Australians. 

Additionally, when it comes down to it, why does an Australian worker deserve a job any more than an online Filipino worker if the latter proves to be as competent and efficient (and at times even more)?

Big security risk

Security risks will always be present, especially as improvements in technology happen faster than ever. There are stories of hacking and exposing of private information, and competitors using that against you.

Because of the nature of online work, most communications and transactions are done over the Internet and sharing information is done through third-party software and apps. And honestly, it’s pretty scary, when you think about it, especially if you’re like me who still gets overwhelmed by technology at times.

While we can’t really do anything about security risks, you can be proactive and take precautions to protect yourself first. Be sure to have legal contracts between you and your online worker that serve both your interests. Only use reputable software and apps, and if possible, you can develop one in-house for your needs. You can also implement additional security systems to minimize risks.

One of the best defenses that you can do as a business owner is to foster great working relationships with your online workers. Build trust from the beginning, make them feel that you trust them and that they can trust you too. Trust removes the fear that your privacy will be compromised. Trust is also a foundation for a strong working relationship.

I hope that this article somehow clears up any worries or concerns you may have about outsourcing. Ultimately, choosing to engage in online workers is all up to you. Be sure to make informed choices and do your own due diligence and research, ask reputable sources for their input.

Do you have any other questions or concerns? Let us know in the comments below!

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